Technical Day | HKC Huike joins hands with Xiaomi to lead the new wave of technology

Technical Day | HKC joins hands with Xiaomi to lead the new wave of technology

On July 5, HKC and Xiaomi held Technical Day together in Beijing, this exhibition HKC brought the latest display products and solutions, and Xiaomi together to carry out product innovation and technology trend exchange, jointly promote the development and innovation of the two teams in the display.


HKC has been deeply engaged in the display industry for more than 20 years, with rich experience in intelligent manufacturing and excellent innovation ability. Based on comprehensive technology and product portfolio layout, efficient and fine elastic process and continuous improvement of intelligent manufacturing capability, HKC relies on four technical characteristics with different focus on G8.6 TFT-LCD high generation production line and four display terminal production bases. To achieve rapid response and coverage of market applications and customer needs. In cooperation with various industries, we have always adhered to the market and customer as the core orientation, and this Technical Day is another witness for HKC and Xiaomi to explore and showcase the latest technological innovations and breakthroughs together.

Xiaomi is a global mobile Internet enterprise and innovative technology enterprise focusing on the development of intelligent hardware and electronic products, smart phones, smart electric vehicles, Internet TV and smart home ecological chain construction. HKC and Xiaomi have collaborated on a number of projects, including 43"-100" TV products and 21.5"-34 "MNT products.

In the exhibition area of Technical Day, HKC  displayed a series of latest technology products and solutions, covering oxide products, high-brush esports MNT, large-size high-brush TV, special application display and display products for small and medium-sized applications, to experience the convenience and potential brought by innovative technology, and in-depth understanding of the cutting-edge trend of future technology.