Work together to show the future | HKC Huike talks about the innovation and development of the new display industry

Work together to show the future | HKC talks about the innovation and development of the new display industry

Recently, the 10th Cross-Strait (Nanjing) new display industry Summit Forum was held in Nanjing, and nearly 500 people attended the meeting, including leaders of new display enterprises at home and abroad and industry experts. The conference was co-sponsored by Nanjing Flat Panel Display Industry Association and Taiwan Display Industry Federation, and a number of industry celebrities, academic experts at home and abroad, industry associations, representatives of upper, middle and downstream core enterprises attended and exchanged views. HKC was invited to attend the conference and won the outstanding contribution award issued by the conference, which spoke about the innovative development of the new display industry.


With the theme of "Collaborative progress, Show the future", the conference closely follows the development trend of the new display industry, focuses on integrated innovation, collaborative development, and create the future, holds the industry elite summit, industrial chain matching meeting, etc., invites core industry chain experts, takes the pulse of the evolution direction of new display technology, and reviews the short board of industrial development. Seek industrial cooperation opportunities to help the new display industry create a new decade of brilliance.


As an information carrier and human-computer interaction window in the digital age, the new display industry has developed into a leading pillar industry of a new generation of information technology. HKC attaches great importance to the development of new display industry, and has built a whole industry chain covering upstream components, midstream panel modules, and downstream display terminals, always adhering to technological innovation and development, and creating a leading industrial ecology.

HKC will take the 10th anniversary of the successful holding of the Summit Forum as a new starting point, further from the perspective of the display industry and industrial integration, jointly explore the development of new display technology, and promote the innovation and integration of the new display industry chain.