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HKC works with Corning to create Plant Tango Project and create a new pattern in the field of display glass!

Recently, Mianyang HKC and Corning Group Plant Tango project launch ceremony and Corning Innovation Day was held in HKC Auditorium. The event was attended by the elite team led by Lin Bo, deputy general manager of Mianyang HKC Group, and experts and executives from various business units of Corning Group from all over the country to explore the cutting-edge technology of industry development.


Corning is a global leader in specialty glass and ceramic materials. Based on more than 160 years of knowledge in materials science and process processes, Corning creates and manufactures key components for products used in high-tech consumer electronics, mobile emission control, telecommunications and life sciences. The Plant Tango project cooperation is also an important opportunity for WACO. Plant Tango is the latest customer service platform created by Corning. Through this project, WACO and Corning combine resources to promote technological innovation and industrial development in the field of display glass. Provide advanced technical support and efficient display solutions for various industries.

At the Plant Tango project launch meeting, Lin Bo, deputy general manager of Mianyang HKC and Li Hanchao, vice president of Corning Group, jointly discussed the cutting-edge technology and future trends in the field of display glass, and delivered speeches respectively. Mr. Lin Bo, Deputy general manager of Mianyang HKC, said that Mianyang HKC has always been committed to technological innovation and the quality improvement of end products, and will continue to carry out more extensive cooperation with Corning, and hope that both sides will cooperate in Plant Tango project to make this "Tango" dance more wonderful;

Mianyang HKC deputy general manager Lin Bo

Subsequently, Mr. Li Hanchao, Vice President of Corning Group, also introduced the latest progress of Corning's development in the field of display glass and the planning of the Plant Tango project, looking forward to working with Mianyang HKC to create a better future.

Li Hanchao, vice president of Corning Group

In addition, the more professional and innovative "technology and product sharing", "Sample display & Interactive experience" and "innovative topic sharing" at the Plant Tango project launch meeting were warmly discussed by all participants.

Technology and product sharing

Technical experts from Corning took the lead in introducing the factors affecting panel strength and the mechanism of static electricity generation, and shared effective solutions for these two topics. At the same time, Corning's achievements in quality management were introduced in detail, and through innovative technology and material optimization, the quality and performance of products were improved. Through a full range of technical services, Mianyang HKC was assisted to win the market with highly competitive products and move towards the high-end.

Sample presentation session

The exhibits brought by Corning, such as new processes, new materials and terminal applications, attracted HKC colleagues who were present to watch closely, and showed a strong interest in Corning's research and development results and applications. They actively and warmly exchanged experiences with Corning's technical team, and brought intuitive and in-depth new experiences to everyone through detailed introduction and explanation.

Innovation topic sharing

Innovation is the core driving force for high-quality development of enterprises. In the sharing of innovation topics, Corning focused on the innovation technology of Mini-LED & Micro-LED's massive transfer solution, side wiring technology, consumer electronics and car cover glass and other frontier fields, which made Mianyang HKC gain more cutting-edge scientific and technological concepts. Expand your mindset on innovation.

Finally, Limbo invited all members of the Corning team to visit the HKC exhibition hall, and Li Xiangfeng, General director of Mianyang HKC, introduced the results of product development, technology development and application development of Mianyang HKC in detail, highlighting the strong strength of Mianyang HKC in R & D, manufacturing and operation.

The cooperation planning of Plant Tango project has taken shape, and Mianyang HKC will carry out deeper cooperation with Corning to jointly promote innovation and development in the field of display glass, and inject new impetus into the global competitiveness of the electronics manufacturing industry.